Emilia Beatriz

My writing and artwork is concerned with what stories absence tells. I work with sensorial storytelling woven from still and moving image, text, immersive installation and performance. Informed by Aurora Levin Morales’ ‘historian as curandera’ methodology, I engage translation, situated research (such as oral history & community archiving), poetic reading & re-writing to bear witness; to form slow, intentional relationships; to trace roots. I understand my current practice as expanded griefwork; addressing entangled histories of bodies,land and resistance, attuned to climate and place.
Over the next two years I will be working & writing towards a new film, expanding on themes grappling with loss and repair in island ecologies, ‘embodied forecasting’, transmutation, and forms of life/matter that defy the here/there & life/death binaries. My research will include visitations to whale graves, herbariums, and coastal habitats of the disappearing Great Yellow Bumblebee, and deep dives into diasporic rootlessness & connectedness, and quantum entanglement observed in the eyes and migrations of birds.

Emilia Beatriz is an artist, access worker and beekeeper-in-study from Puerto Rico’s diaspora, based in Glasgow. Emilia is co-founder of Collective Text and recipient of the 2020/21 Margaret Tait Award. 

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