Dr Elizabeth Reeder 

Elizabeth K Reeder writes fiction and hybrid forms. ‘microbursts’ (Prototype 2021) is a collection of cross-genre, inter-medial essays on illness, living grief, death, dying, creativity. The book is a collaboration with Dr Amanda Thomson. ‘An Archive of Happiness’, a novel, (Penned in the Margins 2020) is a polyphonic archive of a family in a time of crisis.

Reeder is a senior lecturer in Creative Writing at University of Glasgow. With Robbie Synge and Amanda Thomson, Elizabeth is also a 2021/22 Endangered Landscape Artist in Residence with Cairngorms Connect. 

Elizabeth loves teaching and mentoring and being in the company of other writers. She can’t wait to see what the DeathWrites network of writers will do.



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DeathWrites logo by Malwina Chabocka