Charlotte Luke 

Charlotte Luke is a writer based in Inverness. She recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in English, and now works on the youth programme at Moniack Mhor Creative Writing Centre. Her work has appeared in various short story and flash fiction anthologies.  
As a DeathWrites Network participant, I hope to develop and complete a collection of short essays, based on some of my diary entries since my father's sudden death in a hillwalking accident last July. The collection will encompass the range of emotions - at least, as I experienced them - that accompanies grief. I am hoping to eventually reach publication stage, and would welcome the expertise of my fellow Network participants regarding how best to achieve this. The project will be a meditation on the expected, unexpected, and frankly bizarre aspects of the initial months following a bereavement, as well as an exploration of my strengthened relationship with the natural world and the outdoors despite the circumstances of Dad's death. 

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