Angela Cran

I come from Inverness and have an MA (Hons) English and an M.Phil Scottish Literature from the University of Glasgow. My jobs have included roles in publishing, journalism, local economy and the arts. I work at Moniack Mhor Writers’ Centre, where I’m currently Online Programme Manager. Publications include A Dictionary of Scottish Quotations (co-editor with James Robertson, 1996, Mainstream) and ‘Shopping for Lego’ (Scottish Book Trust, Journeys, 2015).
I’m experimenting with memoir to find ways of writing around two losses in 2012: my mother and, nine days later, my younger son, aged eight. He had a rare life-shortening lung condition that wasn’t accurately diagnosed until he was five, when I suddenly had to become his ‘mini doctor’ as well as staying Mam to him and his big brother. Grief is universal, but we all behave differently around it. I want to connect with others by articulating my experience in words and creating something true. Resources I’m drawing on include my journal, photographs and videos, kept items, my son’s medical notes, his amazing artwork, and memories – mine and others’.

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